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C-frame Press
Swivel Shearing Line
Swivel Shearing Line
- High output rates
Line speed: up to 120m/min
Production rate: up to 120SPM
- Extensive application
Applicable for carbon steel, exposed and non exposed steel, stainless steel, pre-painted steel, aluminium and high-strength steel Swiveling angle 0~30° for manufacturing rectangular,trapezoid and parallelogramic blanks
1. Loading cart
2. Decoiler
3. Lead-in device
4. Cropping shear (option)
5. Washing machine (option)
6. 6Hi precision leveller
7. Loop
8. Servo feeder
9. Swivel shear
10. Telescopic belt conveyor
11. Magnetic stacker (start stop or continuous mode)
12. Stacking cart
13. Inspection table and scrap box